Welcome to the fold! You’re looking at a semi-automatic folding carbine that comes with more pistol magazine options than a cat has lives. Offered in 9mm or .40cal, the SUB2000 picks up where handguns leave off. Folded, it tucks away nicely in situations where space is limited, but it’s quick to deploy in situations where time is of the essence.
The SUB2000 offers the best of both worlds. Yes, it’s a pistol caliber, however the ballistic advantage and accuracy at distance come from the 16″ barrel. Barrel length translates to velocity which translates to power downrange. You’ll get the most out of your pistol ammunition right out of the box.
Yes it’s modular due to the M-LOK and magazine compatibility. Yes it’s simple and reliable. Yes it folds and stows nicely, but at the end of the day, the SUB2000 is simply fun to shoot.
Designed with a straight blow-back system, the SUB2000 is very simple to operate and maintain. The sights are intuitive, the stock is adjustable and field stripping is a breeze.
The SUB2000 has been filling the pistol caliber carbine niche for two decades. Getting the most out of your pistol ammunition and maintaining magazine compatibility has never been easier and more affordable.
Is it a magazine catch or magazine release? Is it both? We’ll leave that up to you, but the SUB2000 was designed with versatility in mind and that’s why we offer this awesome carbine in a variety of magazine configurations so you can pair your favorite pistol with your favorite pistol caliber carbine. The Glock SUB2000 is limited to Glock magazines, however the “Multi-Mag” SUB2000 can take any mag catch available in our store.
The semi-automatic SUB2000 is designed to be the most convenient 9mm or .40 caliber rifle available. It’s adjustable and foldable to 16.25 x 7 inches for easy storage and can accept most popular handgun magazines. Plus it can easily be disassembled for cleaning or inspection without tools. Ideal for backpacking trips and situations where space and convenience are paramount.
MSRP: $578-$6219x19mm or .40S&W
Varies by magazine
1:10” or 1:16”
1:254mm or 1:406mm